ZMOK's Global Mempool: Enhanced Transaction Insights with SQL-like Queries

ZMOK's Global Mempool: Enhanced Transaction Insights with SQL-like Queries
Ethereum Tx Mempool with pending transactions.

In the fast-paced world of Ethereum transactions, ZMOK presents a comprehensive solution for managing transaction flows: the Global Tx Mempool and SQL-like Mempool queries.

The Global Tx Mempool is a feature that distinguishes ZMOK as it taps into multiple nodes to monitor and access transaction data. This capacity widens its reach, allowing the Global Tx Mempool to display an average of 60k pending transactions, a stark contrast to the average of 3k transactions from a single node. The enhanced transaction visibility offered by ZMOK's Global Tx Mempool puts you in a more informed position for transaction management.

This feature's complement is the SQL-like Mempool query function, a tool that allows users to search and filter transaction data based on specific criteria. This powerful feature boosts efficiency in transaction management processes.

To illustrate the practicality of these features, consider a situation where you want to monitor all pending transactions destined for a specific contract like the Uniswap V3: Router 2 Contract. These transactions have to meet a few conditions: they call the multicall(uint256 deadline, bytes[] data) function, have a gas price greater than 100 Gwei, and the value parameter equals '0x0'.

You can use the ZMOK's SQL-like query feature as shown in the example below:

var fs = require('fs');
const WebSocket = require('ws');

const ws = new WebSocket(
  'wss://', {}

function proceed() {
    ws.send(`{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, \
    "method": "zmk_txpool_tx_subscribe", \
    "params": ["('to' = '0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45' \
    AND 'input' LIKE '0x5ae401dc%' \
    AND 'gasPrice' > 100000000000 \
    AND 'value' = '0x0')"]}`);

function handle(nextNotification) {

ws.on('open', proceed);
ws.on('message', handle);

In summary, the Global Tx Mempool and SQL-like Mempool queries are sophisticated tools that ZMOK provides to its users, enabling them to better navigate the complex transaction environment of Ethereum.